
agriturismo Juna

nella piazza di Aurisina




How to reach us


Juna is located in the heart of the historical San Rocco square of Aurisina, the central square of the municipality. For the locals this area has always been a place for meeting, exchange and dialogue. "We shall meet on the square" is the usual greeting, indicating one of the best-loved places of the village.

Juna, like the square in which it is located, doesn’t want to be just a leg of the journey, but above all a spot for meeting and sharing, a place where people can feel good and at ease.


  • by car (free parking in front of the "Bunker Pub" a few steps far from our house):
    • from the A4 motorway: after the last exit (Trieste Lisert), continue for about 10 Km and take the Sistiana - Trieste exit heading to Aurisina (about 3 Km)
    • from Trieste: take the coast road to Sistiana. At the intersection follow the road signs for Aurisina
    • from Monfalcone: take the national road n. 14 to the Sistiana junction and follow the road signs for Aurisina (about 3 Km away).
  • by bus: from Piazza Oberdan or from Trieste central railway station: local bus no. 44 operated by Trieste Trasporti (www.triestetrasporti.it) Aurisina centro stop. Bus schedule and journey: about 40 minutes
  • by train: from Trieste central railway station - public bus no. 44 to Aurisina
  • by plane: from Trieste Airport (www.triesteairport.it) catch bus n. 51 operated by APT (www.aptgorizia.it) to Sistiana and local bus n.44 to Aurisina







Barbara +39 337 934 148 
Beatrix +39 328 444 3795



Aurisina, 97/c
I-34011 Trieste, Italy
GPS 45.74946 - 13.67347

CIN IT032001B5HA644GJJ